Part of running the business is to fund self study. What am I studying you might ask? Drawing, something I've put down for the past five years. I love art. In the mist of that I have always wanted to study graphics design and become a Surface Artist. I have especially been drawn to fabric design. But before we get there, I need to pursue organized study, I never took a formal class in college, Now I shall create a course for myself!
Starting here, I have two books. One
Drawing on the Left Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. This book contains a full course of exercises and readings. The author has released several editions of this book one building from the other adding to the bases and her theory behind how our minds learn to draw. More on this later!
And Two
Color Theory by Jose Maria Parramon. It took me a bit of shopping before I ordered this book. I wanted something that would explain the basics of the color wheel but also include clarity on different color wheels. For instance, the differences between additive and subtractive color methods. More on that later as well!!!
Is there any good study books you know of?