Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lovely Package Exchange

Today I have been brain storming on a gift exchange hosted by Oh Hello Friend You Are Loved. It is a lovely package exchange. Click on the pretty button on the side of the blog to find out more!

It is a gift exchange like you would expect except you not only put thought and effort in the gift, but in the wrapping of the gift as well. I like making things pretty in and out. My exchange buddy know is a fan of scrap booking and a lover of books and history.

Here are a few packaging ideas that remind me of the summer time!
 mam for gift blog gavethat gift wrap ideas

map gift wrap Frugal Gift Wrapping Ideas
                              gift wrap ideas by mable 
                                Gift wrap. by megan 

Monday, July 9, 2012


Part of running the business is to fund self study. What am I studying you might ask? Drawing, something I've put down for the past five years. I love art. In the mist of that I have always wanted to study graphics design and become a Surface Artist. I have especially been drawn to fabric design. But before we get there, I need to pursue organized study, I never took a formal class in college, Now I shall create a course for myself!

Starting here, I have two books. One Drawing on the Left Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. This book contains a full course of exercises and readings. The author has released several editions of this book one building from the other adding to the bases and her theory behind how our minds learn to draw. More on this later!

And Two Color Theory by Jose Maria Parramon. It took me a bit of shopping before I ordered this book. I wanted something that would explain the basics of the color wheel but also include clarity on different color wheels. For instance, the differences between additive and subtractive color methods. More on that later as well!!!

Is there any good study books you know of?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Quick Draw

I decided to stay up late making a repeat pattern. I haven't made one for awhile. Here's the result. Cherries!

Have a happy Saturday everyone!

Friday, July 6, 2012

My First Quilt

Yaeee! I finished by first quilt!!! The Patchwork Prism Quilt by Anna Maria Horner for Janome.  I actually had a total of three weeks to work on this quilt.
Just three weeks before my sister's wedding I decide to go for it as a present to her and her new husband. I shut down my shop for the month in order just to work on it. "Hey! I've got kids. I can only do so much" I'm glad I could tell myself this instead of thinking "I can do it all." Anyhoo, I really enjoyed making this quilt. in fact, i was crawling on the ground for three hours basting the three layers together realizing and saying to myself  "I LOVE THIS!" Crazy I know.

I never do projects in the allotted time frame that they are introduce with special events and contests. But with the motivation of my sister's wedding I was able to enter the sew along for this quilt hosted by Sweet Diesel Designs.

Hello Friends!

 I've always wanted to write my own blog. A simple place to collect ideas and share what I love and what I have been up too. A way of journalism. I've never kept one, but I take thousands of pictures with my camera. Now I just need to add a bit of narration to explain the goings on. To start this blog will include projects I'm working on, personal, or for the shop Lil' Ladies & Gentlemen. I explore new sights and love to share what they have to offer. Family goings on. After all... they are my inspiration. Such as my daughter is sitting on my lap right now as I type. Sounds like a twitter phrase. I have to admit. I don't yet have a twitter account. It may happen sooner than later finding that I do in fact have ramblings that I want to share. I also have a Facebook. So thank you for scanning over my page. I hope to share more with you in the near future.